


Newgen Analytica a single place to learn everything related to Data Analytics in easy manner

Data Science is known as the sexiest job of the 21st century. Most of the organizations and companies take decision based on the insights derived from data. Large amount of data is been derived every day. AI based systems are also getting popular day by day. So need of "Data" related jobs are increasing day by day.

Newgen Analytica is a platform where you will get necessary articles related to Data science to improve your skills and taking one step forward towards your career.

Some of the core subjects you will get on our platform.....

  Fundamentals of Data science

  Machine Learning

  Python for Data Science

  Various visualization techniques

  Excels and presentation skills

  Deep learning

  Business Analytics

  Big Data analytics

  Mathematics for Data science

  .....and many more!!

Features of Newgen Analytica

Get number of various features that can help to kickstart your career. So be sure with Newgen Analytica.

Variety of topics

We here at Data Crux has variety of topics everything related to Data Science at one single place.

Jargon free language

Articles which you are going to read are going to be in jargon free language which will be easy for you to understand.

Suggestions from users

We belive in suggestions so we have a suggestion page in which you can suggest us the topics you want us to write the articles.

Necessary Quizes

It is necessary to understand whether the particular topic is clear or not so we will be having quizes at the end of each blog for you to test your self.

Data visualizations

Data visualizations is the core part of any data science project because when you visualize your data then you can retrive necessary insights from it.

We will be study many visualization tools such as:

  • Different python libraries for visualizations.
  • Reporting tools for dashboard such as Power BI, Tableau, Orange, etc.
  • Learn necessary presentation skills to improve your reports and dashboards and make it more attractive.

You will be knowing that when you make someone understand through visuals the person understand more efficiently rather than just speaking through words.

Machine learning

Machine learning is the core of Data Science. There are plenty of Machine learning algorithms and knowing the Math behind the ML algorithms is very crucial for any Data Scientist.

Our ML articles will explain you the algorithms in easy manner with many visualizations and with necessary points to understand the working of the algorithm.

What you will learn?

  • Different types of learning supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised
  • Time series analysis.
  • Boosting algorithms.
  • ......and many more!.

Data Science

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data, and apply knowledge and actionable insights from data across a broad range of application domains.

Learn data science related topics you get here are....

  • Exploratory Data analysis
  • Feature engineering
  • Hyperparameter tuning
  • ........and many more


Statistics is the basic essence to excel in Data Science. If you want to learn Data Science in proper way Statistics is very much important. When you know statistics better you can easily perform EDA stuffs better.

Some statistics concepts you will learn are....

  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Inferential Statistics
  • Different types of Distributions
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Advanced statistics
  • .... and many more!