
OMNI-CHANNEL MARKETING: The Omniscient Reign Of Marketing.

Fri May 14 2021  |  Prabhu Sharma

It’s quite obvious that a decade or two ago, we couldn’t have imagined that we would shop on phones, through social media on our conveniences. Deloitte State of Consumer Tracker, states,  ”73% of Indian respondents are willing to spend more on convenience”. Nowadays, we can expect quite a less brands being adopting the single-channeled approach. […]

GUERRILLA MARKETING: Know The Guerrilla Strategy

Fri May 14 2021  |  Prabhu Sharma

“Guerrilla”, doesn’t the word seem to be a bit alien or sheepish to what the content of the topic should actually be? You might think of me talking about some animal or a blog on wildlife. Now, I add the word marketing next to guerrilla and it gets to this “Guerrilla Marketing”. Now you must […]

FAR FROM THE FUNNEL: The Modern Marketing Funnel

Fri May 14 2021  |  Prabhu Sharma

You might believe it or not but the traditional marketing funnel is now fragmented, as possibly as it could. The Traditional Marketing Funnel The traditional marketing approach by Elias St. Elmo Lewis, at the end of 20th century, elucidates the journey of a customer from the point of awareness to the point of conversion. The […]