
Have ever heard about 5 Number Summary ??

Wed Dec 22 2021  |  Anonymous

Introduction The main objective of descriptive statistics is to understand the nature of the dataset.  Five number summary is a part of descriptive statistics and consists of five values and all this five values will help us to describe the data. The five number summary statatics are: The minimum value (the lowest value) 20th percentile […]

Understanding Measures of Dispersion in an easy manner !

Wed Dec 22 2021  |  Anonymous

Introduction In the field of statistics for both sample and population data, when you have a whole population you are 100% sure of the measures you are calculating. When you use sample data and compute statistic then a sample statistic is the approximation of population parameter. When you have 10 different samples which give you […]

Essential mathematics to master Data Science

Sun May 9 2021  |  Anonymous

Introduction As I say every time “Data Scientist is a professional who uses scientific methods and algorithms and create a meaning from raw data.” Data Science is much interesting to learn and also most booming field but why people fails in Data Science and they “QUIT”? Ever wondered. One of the most common reasons for […]