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  • Time and interest to learn

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Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standard programming language used to manage relational databases. It allows users to create, manipulate, and retrieve data from databases using a variety of commands and syntax.

SQL is an essential tool for data analytics because it provides a structured way to manage large amounts of data. With SQL, users can easily extract and organize data, filter and sort information, and perform complex calculations and analyses.

The importance of SQL for data analytics is further emphasized by the fact that relational databases are the most common type of database used in business and other organizations. By learning SQL, data analysts can effectively manage and analyze data stored in these types of databases, which are used for a wide range of applications including customer relationship management, inventory management, financial analysis, and much more.


(CLICK on the link to redirect to the respective topics)


  • Roadmap to learn SQL effectively
  • Introduction to SQL and Databases
  • Types of SQL languages in detail


  • Introduction to constraints in SQL
  • Keys in SQL
  • Creation of Databases and Creation of Tables
  • Inserting data into table
  • All about SELECT clause
  • WHERE clause and ORDER BY clause
  • GROUP BY and HAVING clause


  • Joins in SQL
  • Self Joins and Cross Joins
  • Applying Joins of Multiple Tables
  • Subqueries in SQL
  • CTE in SQL


  • Window Functions in SQL
  • Stored Procedures in SQL
  • Views
  • Indexes
  • Triggers
  • Cursors


  • Alternative Rows
  • Duplicate Table
  • TOP N values

Case Studies